Monday, January 7, 2013

And Then He Melted

Shit is hot.

That's a 102 degrees in Fahrenheit. The outside is radiating with heat, even the birds are being quiet, and in the few moments it took me to dump some plastic into our recycling bin outside, I was instantly convinced that I was not leaving the house today while the sun was up. Navicular is basically panting the whole time, even though I've rescued him from downstairs and he's laying on my bed with the air conditioner on.

Anyway guess what arrived today?

That's the Ducky wrist rest I ordered, because this keyboard is too damn high to comfortably type on for long periods of time. At least for me, because I'm used to the aluminium Mac keyboard, which despite being mushy and gross to type on, was more ergonomic than this super dooper mechanical keyboard, by virtue that it's incredibly flatness meant you could basically use the surface it was on as a wrist rest.

It's ok as far as wrist rests go. my biggest annoyance with wrist rests in the past is that they slip all over the place and make you a strange combination of sad and angry inside. This Ducky wrist rest, supposedly made by a company that specialises in keyboards, slips all over the place. It's annoying. When I type, I now have to push it a little bit right up against the bottom of the keyboard to prevent it going anywhere.

It's also not the right height:

I don't know that much about ergonomics, but I think the wrist rest should be a little higher then that, I'm still having to bend my hands up a little bit to type on it, and that sure aint ergonomic.

I guess overall to improve the Ducky wrist rest I would make it higher, and make the bottom less slip prone. I do like the leather though, despite being ridiculously hot, it's not sweaty and gross to type on, and like its matching keyboard, it definitely has a quality feel to it.

At least it has a cool Ducky logo on it to match my keyboard.

You know what else arrived?

Raspberry Pi. My poor housemate thought I had literally ordered, a raspberry pie. He's not particularly tech savvy.

I have the model B revision 2, which means it has a whopping 512 Mb of RAM. I know, not that impressive, but given this thing is the size of a phone and costs $35, I think that's pretty good.

I'm going to play around with it now. So far, there appears to be a serious lack of decent documentation on the internet, but I would like to install the Raspian version of Debian, which apparently includes the LXDE interface and some multimedia support. Because the only monitor I have is my television, it's going to look weird ;)

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