Friday, November 16, 2012

And Then He Started Packing

Having a spare room is a dangerous thing.

I was going to be strong and keep mine as a study. But it's kinda darkish (Its one window doesn't get much sun) and it gets damn cold in winter. Not to mention despite being on the third floor, it has a view of 1) the car park below and 2) the apartment building next to me. Hardly inspiring for a study.

So when a room has these risk factors, it develops "Junkroom Syndrome" Just vacuumed and can't be arsed putting the entire vacuum away? Stick it in the junkroom. Not using your desk anymore but dont want it in your living room where it looks weird? Junkroom. Dresser you dont use? Junkroom. Taken down those ugly curtains that came with the apartment but got no where to put them? Junkroom. Bags of bills and other documents that you're not quite sure what to do with? Junkroom.

This ladies and gentlemen, is my Junkroom:

Horrifying isn't it. And on the junkroom badness scale, it's only about a 2. A single white 23 year old male student did this. Imagine what a 50 year old woman could do with two kids. It's terrifying.

Could I clean up the Junkroom and rent it out so I'm not so damn poor? Sure! Did I do that? Hell no I'm not touching all that shit!

So now that I've moved, I have no recourse but to tackle the junkroom. I'm going to draw up a plan after this blog post helps me procrastinate to slowly move. But it's going to start with the junkroom, or else I'll just end up moving everything in it, and displacing it somewhere at the new place. It's gotta go.

On the positive side, I've made the executive decision that I can probably hire a delivery van to move my house, rather than a truck this time.

Last time, the truck was comically underloaded. And it was EXPENSIVE. and extremely annoying to drive. My mattress is the largest thing, as long as that fits, it's all good. I don't really have any large items of furniture to move.

Also how crazy is steam under wine? It almost feels like you're just using a really shitty slow windows machine. It must have been a total pain in the ass to rebuild the windows API from scratch, so my (non existent) hat comes off to them.

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